3,000 Miles, 2 A&E Doctors, 1 Boat.... THEY DID IT!!

Adam and Charlie, husband and wife team, left La Gomera on 12th December 2021 to cross the Atlantic Ocean in Percy. They were rowing for 4 amazing charities…RNLI, Mind, RD & E Charity and Devon Air Ambulance.

As a husband and wife team ourselves, we were so proud to support them in their adventure. We were the lead sponsor for their race, and were behind them from the start, from that first email Adam sent us, having seen our Atlantic Strength Island Gin at Darts Farm! The charities are important to us both, and we were keen to donate and help in any way we could…..

Their challenge was completed 51 days, 3 hours and 48 minutes later, arriving in Antigua on 1st February 2022, the only husband and wife team to undertake the race.

We would now kindly ask that you help them reach their target of £100,000 by donating too.

Hilary MillerComment